Be Your Inspiration

I was recently asked to list 5 things that inspired me. I immediately responded by saying how easy that was, as I am inspired so many things. My list was:

1.     Good music.

2.     A new maxi dress, in black.

3.     Getting through a day of e-learning without raising my voice.

4.     Getting the kids outside and active for an hour (at least).

5.     Kevin Bacon (we are ONE degree of separation).

I could go on and on: my friends, a good recipe, Celine Dion (currently on repeat), reading a good book (I used to do that once), etc. However, one thing is noticeably missing – ME! If I asked you to make a list of 5 things that inspired you, would you make your list? Would our lists have looked differently 9 weeks ago before we were told to isolate ourselves in our homes (for good reasons, let me add), become teachers to our kids, manage all the things all of the time, and still try to carve out an hour of time to include some self-care? I am so grateful for our health and the fact that even though I temporarily lost my job, my husband still has his. But I will say that in this time of uncertainty and the stress that it causes, I have forgotten to show myself some grace. I thought I was in good spirits – still getting up early to get my workout in, getting the girls up and ready for ‘school’, helping instruct, making lunches, making sure they (and the dog) get their physical activity in, preparing dinner, cleaning up, etc. But it wasn’t until I was given the notice that I could open my gym back up in a couple of weeks that I felt that flame of internal excitement ignite again! It made me realize how quickly I extinguished all my personal desires to put my family’s needs before mine, for if they’re okay, I can be okay. In this process, I’ve become inspirationally depleted. 

I know that times are difficult for so many. I know people who have lost loved ones, first responders who are being heroes every single day (thank you), and people who have recovered from COVID-19. And I know there are families who have lost both jobs and can’t feed their kids, and so many different awful scenarios that I can’t begin to imagine. 

No matter what situation we find ourselves in, one thing should be certain, and that is the reminder that YOU inspire so many of those around you. YOU are doing a really good job. YOU are enough, in any situation, and YOU deserve to be #1 one on your list of inspirations.  

We are going to come out of this better than we were before quarantine (regardless of whether or not our pants are a little tighter). Let us hope that this pandemic will serve as a reminder that we all share this earth and we have to take care of it together. Many of us will come out of quarantine with an improved, more compassionate view of the world and our fellow human beings. I hope that in this time of panic and isolation we can still show each other warmth and kindness. After all, not only does compassion benefit others, but research shows it improves our own emotional well-being as well. Often generating acts of kindness begins with cultivating compassion in ourselves. Mindfulness teachers suggest focusing on integrating doable mindfulness practices into our daily life: “small moments, many times”. So try this – it was suggested to use the time we spend washing our hands during this pandemic to build up mindful compassion in ourselves. So, rather than sing the rather insipid “Happy Birthday” song for 20 seconds, why not repeat compassion phrases instead? Choose whatever phrases you’d like, or better yet, practice your daily affirmations. Don’t know what to say? As quoted from my favorite movie, “The Help”, you could borrow, “You are smart, you are kind, you are important”. Because YOU are.

 With Kindness,


The Power of You

