Five Fitness Tips for December



1)    Plan your week on Sunday.  What I mean by this is look ahead and see what days you have outtings, get-togethers and or work functions. Schedule your workouts so that they fit into your schedule for the week. It may mean waking up early one day to head to the gym or popping in a fitness dvd if limited on time. By scheduling your workouts into your calendar you'll be more likely to stick to them.

2)    Cook at home as much as possible.  Odds are you will be spending a good deal of time out this month. The only way you can 100 percent know what goes into your dishes is by cooking at home. Think light, fresh, proteins and veggies. If you can eat really well in your own home you won't feel so guilty having a little extra when you go out. Odds are you'll end up saving money by cooking at home also. 

3)    Keep snacks in convenient places.  December is definitely a month where people run around, from work, to shopping, fixing the car, etc.  It's easy to go for long periods without eating. I recommend keeping a protein bar or healthy snack on you. This way you won't feel ravenous by the time you do get the chance to eat. My favorite are the Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars - loaded with clean ingredients and none of the guilt!

4)    Think about how many calories you're drinking.  Those "oh so good, yummy, holiday coffee drinks" that we all love can be packed with over 500 calories! If you have two of those in one day, you've pretty much consumed at least half your calories for the day.  Alcoholic beverages can also sneak up on you.  Pay attention to how many you drink and what is in each of them.  Try getting drinks with nonfat milk and low sugar flavoring.

5)    Drink a lot of water. This can satiate your appetite as well as keep you hydrated at all times. And it will also prevent a possible hangover if you overdo it with alcohol. Aim for half your body weight in ounces!

Most of all enjoy this month. Be present, spend time with family and friends, and make sure you make some quality time for yourself as well!


The 12 Days of Christmas HIIT Workout


At Home 20-Minute Workout